Saturday 28 September 2013

Summer Melody & The Waxcap Wizard

As part of The Tethered Fairy Ring Quilt-a-thon Rachel Peachey very kindly donated her fairy Alaw Haf. Alaw Haf is welsh for Summer Melody. I went to Rachel's home to pick up Summer Melody. She watched over us at the Quilt-a-thon.

I spoke with Bruce Langridge, our Waxcap Wizard & he very kindly has housed Alaw Haf as part of his Fairy Ring Trail at The National Botanic Garden of Wales.

Rachel wouldn't mind me telling you that she has a chronic illness, which means that sometimes she is not able to leave her bed and she made Alaw Haf during this time.

And now she has set her fairy free to be in the beautifiul gardens. I wouldn't mind be a fairy at the Garden myself ... oh hang on! I WILL be!!

On Sunday 13th October, as part of the National Fungi Day celebrations, I'll be telling the Story and playing the music for The Tethered Fairy Ring. It will be the first official showing of the story and music although I have tried it out in other venues. I will formally reflect on the piece for my MA Drama at The Atrium, Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Studies.

I digress! How unlike me ;) lol!

BUT ... after Rachel had donated Alaw Haf, she started to miss her. She wasn't on the landing making her magic happen anymore, keeping Rachel company. It was suggested by storyteller Rachel Auckland, that Rachel Peachey have a photo of her fairy on the stairs. So, I arranged with Michelle Williams of Shelbyart that she print out a picture we had of her, I bought a frame and we put it together to give to Rachel at Shelbyart Community Workshop. Sadly, Rachel wasn't well enough to pick her up, so Michelle very kindly took her to Rachel's house.

What a lovely story. You know, when you cast out a pebble based on giving, it doesn't just skim across the river: rather, it creates ripples that continue onwards ... in this current economic climate it seems to me the politicians have become more than a tad obsessed with cuts, with taking away from the arts, & using this model of giving for The Tethered Fairy Ring Story Telling Quilt has really pulled into question for me the whole nature of 'creative & cultural industry' & community based arts. Something to mull over in lectures this week!

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